Hifadhi Zanzibar is based on the same principles as Stadsherstel, the heritage management company that operates in a similar way in Amsterdam and contributed largely to the city's successful position as attractive tourist destination. Stadsherstel shareholders had exactly that in mind when they started their single pilot project back in 1956. Since then the portfolio extended to over 250 million usd and includes almost 600 buildings.
Few years ago, a Surinam group of investors successfully adopted the principle for saving monumental buildings in Paramaribo, safeguarding their future business environment. Stadsherstel Paramaribo has started and is making an impact already. The Amsterdam model company offers support with operational and strategic knowledge.
Since 2012, a team of local investors has been preparing the start of Hifadhi Zanzibar. The private sector has formed a coalition with government-related organisations like Stone Town Conservation and Development Authority, the Department of Urban and Rural Planning and with the Zanzibar Chamber of Commerce to prepare the first steps.
Stadsherstel Amsterdam is supporting Hifadhi Zanzibar with advice and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has provided support for additional services through the Amsterdam-based organisation African Architecture Matters.
A solid and dedicated management team is being formed, closely supported by Stadsherstel Amsterdam, for running the company. The small and efficient team builds on extensive experience in heritage management, real estate development and an excellent network in Zanzibar.